SeMantic Information Logistics Architecture (SMILA) is a platform for creating rich information driven applications. SMILA demonstrates its functionality using a search engine use case based on Apache Lucene.
SMILA uses OSGi as basis technology and the developers have invested much time to create a modular application. Therefore to build up your application you could found on SMILA by reusing existing implementations of services. That way you could build up your application efficiently.
The open question is to get enough knowledge to get into SMILA to leverage its capabilities in your development.
SSWT supports you by providing services and consultancy around SMILA.
Exemplary services:
· Project consultancy
· Sponsored development
· Introduction in SMILA
o Getting started
o Getting evangelized
· Get SMILA into practice
o Extensions of SMILA
o Create a project based on SMILA
o Step by step introduction of SMILA
o Use SMILA in your application
Get SMILA running by getting support from SSWT!